Cost of Living Help & Guidance – What Grants and Schemes are Available?
Reducing Fuel bills West Devon
- The Energy Company Obligation, this is where we facilitate grants from big energy companies to install a variety of measures , e.g. all types of insulation through to heating upgrades in eligible households.
- Energy Advice is also available. We work closely with Tamar Energy Communities and Citizen Advice, to offer free and impartial, independent advice from local advisers on how to reduce energy bills and help with heating to struggling households.
- The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) are what landlords are expected to comply with. Working with Tamar Energy Community, we identify rental properties that do not comply with the minimum energy efficiency standards. All rental properties must be rated E and above unless properly exempted. The landlords are given initial advice on how to get compliance with the regulations. Formal action will be taken against non-compliant landlords who are not willing to undertake the necessary work.
- Energy Efficiency Loans can be offered by us for energy efficiency measures. This is through the Council’s loan partner, Lendology. They can also help households on oil, LPG and solid fuel to bulk-buy fuel with a 0% loan.
- Under the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Help to Heat local flexible eligibility, energy suppliers and installers will be able to offer grants, using our eligibility criteria. This allows them to install fully funded or subsidised energy saving measures for households, which have been declared eligible. We do not provide the funding; it is provided by the Energy Companies.
- All of the schemes and initiatives listed are subject to terms and conditions. In most cases, this would mean a gross household income of less than £31,000.