NTTC Statement of Support for Ukraine and President Zelenskyy


Ukraine flag

North Tawton Town Council – Statement in support of Ukraine.

This Council wholeheartedly and unequivocally condemns the actions of Vladimir Putin and the Russian Government for the decision to invade Ukraine and publicly expresses its enduring solidarity with, and support for, the people and legitimate government of Ukraine.

We express our unity and support for President Zelensky, the democratically elected Government and the people of Ukraine and call on the UK Government and its NATO allies to offer the maximum humanitarian aid and support for the Ukrainian Government and people.

President Zelensky recently made a very moving plea for the world to publicly show its support for Ukraine.  NTTC is flying the now familiar blue and yellow flag outside the Town Hall* as a small expression of the horror and compassion we all feel at the daily revelations of ongoing suffering of the residents of towns and villages just like ours.

If you wish to make donations to help, the key national charities and aid agencies are the Disasters Emergency Committee and the British Red Cross.
Home | Disasters Emergency Committee (

The British Red Cross | Worldwide Humanitarian Charity

Homes for Ukraine Scheme:
UK individuals, charities, community groups and businesses can now record their interest in supporting Ukrainians fleeing the war through the government’s new Homes for Ukraine scheme. UK households that welcome a family from Ukraine will receive £350 a month. Visit the website here for more information .

The Ukraine Family Scheme:
The Ukraine Family Scheme allows applicants to join family members or extend their stay in the UK. To find out more information about this scheme please go to the website here.

* We thank the Town Hall Committee for permission to fly the Ukraine Flag outside the Town Hall.