We have received an update from Devon County Council (DCC) in relation to the replacement lanterns in a number of the towns street lights. Please see the message below:-
From DCC
Lights generally are replaced with lanterns which give the same level of lumen (light output) as the previous units.
The primarily colour of the light has changed and as a result with the light being white it ‘fools’ the eye into thinking it is brighter.
We would ask people to live with the situation for a month and if they still have concerns to contact the street lighting team (on their generic email address which gets forwarded to the Street Lighting Engineer for the area)
In this email please include street names and pole numbers if possible, so that we have the most accurate information.
Our ‘report a street lighting mapping web page’ has pole numbers if you cant see them on street Street lighting – Roads and transport (
With regard to complaints or comments about light spill into bedrooms, we will often fit a shield to reduce/prevent this light spill.
If lights are staying on all night, please monitor the light for at least a week as it can take up to that length of time for the photo electric cells to settle and set themselves up.
Kind Regards
Josh Scillitoe
Neighbourhood Highway Officer/ Western Neighbourhood Highways Team