North Tawton is a small market town located right in the heart of the Devonshire countryside and situated alongside the River Taw from which it takes its name.

Dartmoor, only a few miles away, provides a dramatic backdrop to an ancient settlement whose history began before the Romans established a fortification and continued through the heyday of the wool trade to which the town owes its early prosperity.  Although agriculture has played an important part in shaping the history of the town, it also enjoyed a long industrial tradition.

Today North Tawton is a busy town – facilities include a Primary School, Town Hall, and Youth and Community Centre.  The Council is responsible for our beautiful Memorial Park with extensive play equipment for different ages,  a MUGA, a pump track for cycles and scooters, and football kickabout area.

The Council also owns and maintains a small car park adjacent to the Memorial Park, as well as a larger town centre car park tucked away behind our office in The Square.

There are two churches and a chapel in the town.

We have a GP surgery, two dental practices, and a veterinary surgery as well as a Post Office, a hairdressers, and a barbers.  There are three pubs within the town and one just outside, and a café in the town centre, as well as a fish & chip shop and a kebab/pizza house.  Lloyds Mobile Bank visits fortnightly.

Shops include a chemist and a Spar supermarket.

The Town Council took over ownership and maintains the Public Conveniences. The mobile library services visits North Tawton every alternate Friday and Saturday.


A boundary map of the Parish of North Tawton can be viewed here – north tawton parish boundary