Welcome to the new North Tawton Town Council website.
The idea is for this to become your convenient point of reference for all that’s going on at the Town Council.
One of the main purposes for this site is to publicise the work of the Town Council with the aim of encouraging involvement and therefore local democracy. Town and Parish Councils are the grass-roots of local government, they are local authorities and although they have limited number of statutory duties they do have wide powers.
Please get involved in the Town, if we all work together it will be a better place for us to live and raise our children and grandchildren.
We hope that you will find this website useful and interesting. If you have any suggestions for additional information or links that should be included on the site, or need to contact us for any other reason, you can phone or email as follows:
Telephone: 01837 880121 – if there is no reply please leave an answerphone message and we will respond.
The Town Council consists 12 elected or co-opted members. The Chairman is elected annually by Councillors. Please see the attachment below, Councillors List, for a list of Councillors, the Chair and Vice Chair of the Council, and the Committee Structure.
Councillors need to register their Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in Part I of the Register and other interests in Part 2 of the Register. The Register can be viewed below, “Register of Interests”.
Agendas and Minutes 2019 – please go to the link on the left of this page under ‘Most Read’ to see all agendas and minutes for 2019.
Annual Audit 2017-18
Annual Governance Statement 2017-18
Accounting Statements 2017-18
Dates of the period for the exercise of Public Rights
Annual Audit 2016/17
Certified Annual Return – year 2016/17 year ended 31 March 2017
Notice of commencement of the period for the exercise of public rights
Internal Auditors Report 2016/17
Annual Audit 2015/16
Annual Accounts for year 2015/16
Asset Register for year 2016/17015/16
Agendas and Minutes 2019 – attached below, itemised in the list
Total Attachments: 25